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25 Calorie Low Carb Hot Chocolate Mix



25 Calorie, 2 Carb Hot Chocolate Mix - heart be STILL!  Maria at Healthy Living How To posted this and it’s ringing my chimes, I’m making it this morning!!!!

Here’s the recipe - this is about as good as it gets.  If you want to add a few more calories and add to the richness, pour in a splash of cream!

Note:  I just made this and it’s wonderful.  Be sure and level that teaspoon of salt, and if you’re salt sensitive, you might want to use a scant teaspoon, as you can taste it, but that’s what makes it good.  The he salt keeps it from tasting flat.

Use Silk Unsweetened Almond Milk if you can find it.  I tried Blue Diamond Unsweetened Almond milk, a huge thumbs down, The Silk is so much better.  A splash of half and half really does add richness and adds very few calories.   You will love this, pinkie swear you will.  ~ Jan

Photo courtesy of Healthy Living How To

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