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Coconut Macaroon Cookies


I adore coconut macaroons, they’re so simple to make and so good.  I made George Stella’s recipe, and they were very good, not the first day, they needed to age to moisten, the second day they were moist, but a little firm.  So I’m remaking them, this time doubling the butter and lightly toasting the coconut in the butter first,  then adding  2-3 tablespoons of whipping cream to thin the batter.  I’m also going to make them next week using 1-1/2 teaspoons of almond flavoring and 1-1/2 teaspoons of vanilla and some chopped almonds that I toast along with the butter to the batter.  And I may take half of a batch and fold in some raspberries to see how that works.  Oh, the possibilities...

Here’s George’s recipe with my revisions...


3 egg whites

1 Tablespoon vanilla extract

1⁄2 cup Splenda

2 tablespoon butters, melted

1⁄2 teaspoon baking soda

11⁄2 packed cups unsweetened shredded coconut

2-3 Tablespoons Whipping Cream    


1. Place oven rack in the center position and preheat to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.


2. In a large bowl, beat egg whites and vanilla extract until frothy. Stir in sugar substitute, butter, and baking soda.


3. Fold coconut into the wet ingredients until well combined.??4. Wet fingers to prevent sticking; form the mixture into 16 equal balls about 4 teaspoons in size, and place on the lined baking sheet.


5. Bake for 15 minutes or until they begin to turn golden brown all over. Let cool 15 minutes before serving


George’s Tips | Pack the dough into a 1 ounce ice cream scoop to form perfectly circular macaroons. You can also bake them in paper mini muffin liners for a really nice presentation.??calories: 125| fat: 11g|protein: 2.5g |fiber: 2g |net carbs:2.5g.  

Photo and original recipe by George Stella

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