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The BEST Low Carb Cinnamon Roll you will ever eat!


This is so good, your eyes will roll back in your head when you eat it.  It’s the frosting, it’s just decadent!  Oh my, it’s seriously amazing.  Another great recipe from my quickly becoming very favorite low carb blogger, DJ Foodie.  DJ is a chef, so you can take his recipes to the bank.  They are all that good...

This recipe calls for powdered Swerve Sweetener in the frosting.  Netrition.com is the best online source to buy Low Carb products, but they are sold out of Swerve Powdered Sugar right now, probably because of the holiday baking, so I coughed up the big bucks for and ordered it from Amazon Prime.  $16 for a pound, yes that’s pricey, but if you went to your local donut shoppe and bought just one cinnamon roll it would probably cost $4, so in the overall scheme of things, it’s easy to justify the cost.  And as soon as Netrition restocks, the price will be a lot less.  I’ve read about Swerve in so many recipes, both granular and powdered, but I can’t find it locally, and this is my first experience with it.  I have an order coming from Netrition today with the granular, and looking forward to trying it.  The powdered Swerve tastes exactly like sugar, and has zero carbs.  Splenda has carbs, unless you find liquid Splenda, so this is a better choice and a better taste, as well.

Grab the recipe from DJ Foodie here - you won’t be disappointed...

Photo courtesy of DJ Foodie

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