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Green Bean, Tomato and Salami Salad

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George Stella has done it again.  This recipe is from his new cookbook and looks wonderful.  I snagged it on Facebook and had to share.

Green Bean, Tomato, and Salami Salad 
with Tangy Italian Dressing
Recipe by George Stella / StellaStyle.com

Prep Time 20 min/ Chill Time 1-2 hrs/ Serves 8

Shopping List
6 ounces thick cut salami
1 bag (14-16 ounces) frozen whole green beans
3 medium tomatoes
3 tablespoons finely diced red onion
Tangy Italian Dressing
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1⁄2 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1⁄4 cup olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

1. Let green beans thaw on counter for 45 minutes before preparing. Slice salami into 1⁄4 inch thick matchsticks about 11⁄2 inches long.

2. Slice tops off of tomatoes and then slice each into 8 wedges.

3. Create the dressing by adding the Dijon mustard, white wine vinegar and Italian seasoning to a large mixing bowl. Whisk rapidly as you slowly pour in the olive oil until all is combined and creamy. Add salt and pepper to taste, though I suggest about 1⁄8 a teaspoon of each.

4. Add thawed green beans, sliced salami, tomato wedges, and diced red onion to the large mixing bowl containing the dressing and toss all to coat. Cover and refrigerate for 1-2 hours to marinate before serving.

George’s Tips | You can make this even easier with about 1⁄2 cup of store bought Italian dressing; just make sure to read the ingredients for added sugar as some Italian dressings can have as much as 8 grams of the stuff per serving!

Variation | Adding 4 slices of provolone cheese, sliced into thin strips, takes this salad to an even greater place

calories: 145|fat: 12g |protein: 4g |fiber:2g |net carbs:4g

You can order his new cookbook on Amazon - here’s the link

Thanks again George for another great recipe.

photo courtesy of George Stella

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